The Gathering, 5050 NE Elliott Circle, Corvallis, OR 97330
Service starts every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
For more information, call 541-220-1040.
Copyright © 2021 The Gathering. All rights reserved.
The Gathering
Be sure to visit the Sermons page, where you can listen or download both current and past sermons.
Our History
In the spring of 2009 a small group of believers were led to form a Bible Study with the intent of starting a new work in the Corvallis/Adair Village area. After much prayer and conversation, they called a pastor to lead them and be the “teaching pastor.” In July of 2009 the new work officially began under the name “The Gathering.” It was, and still is, the desire of that group to not “do church” in the ordinary way. They wanted to be different. They wanted the dysfunctional, disenfranchised and separated to feel at home, while still meeting the needs of those who just loved the church for the instrument that God created it to be – a tool to spread the gospel to the world. To date that has been accomplished by purposeful methods that leave out some of the “churchy” things the typical church does. We don’t do liturgy and yet, we still honor the traditions of the church. We don’t do Sunday School and Sunday night services. We rely on small groups to meet the needs of those involved with such programs as Men’s Connect, Women’s Connect, and Celebrate Recovery. We also believe the church is not the building but rather, the body of Christ who gathers there to formally worship our Creator God in a group setting. We aren’t a part of a denomination. While we believe denominations serve a purpose, we also believe that the local church can be more intimate standing alone and yet, together as the body of Christ. In our short history God has seen fit to bless our congregation with five acres of ground, a worship center, fellowship hall and food pantry to be used for His glory, all debt free. That is the way we believe God intended the church to operate. We are thankful for His blessings and look forward to fulfilling the mission of the church in the North Corvallis area. To avoid any disillusion that the church is a building, we call the campus located on NE Elliott Circle “North Corvallis Ministry Center.” We also identify it as “Home of The Gathering.” And, we believe with this philosophy of ministry – “We can change the world one person at a time!”
Join us each Sunday morning at 10am and throughout the week at The Gathering (5050 Elliot Circle in Corvallis, Oregon), as we discover together what it means to follow Jesus as our Lord, Savior, Messiah, King, and Teacher. We anticipate great things as we make knowing and following Him our ultimate goal in life. But we believe that this happens in best in the context of a community of grace. That is what we hope you will find when you join us in the great adventure of life.
The Gathering is a nondenominational fellowship whose supreme desire is to know Christ and be conformed into His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is our belief that we can “change the world one person at a time through His power.” We exist for the purpose of making disciples, maturing believers, and meeting needs to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ.
We believe it takes courage to face life – and it takes courage to admit when we are not doing very well in the challenge. Whether your life is just as you had imagined it would be, a bit out of balance, or well on its way to being completely unmanageable, there is a place and help for you. God knows who you are, what you are facing and how you are hurting. He loves you and desires for you to find His peace and joy even in the midst of pain and suffering. Many have found that help in coming to The Gathering.
We believe that God has called us to do life together as a gathering of believers from every walk of life. Together, we want to grow in our commitment to Christ, impact our community in His Name, and experience the abundant life Jesus spoke about in John 10. 2,000 years ago, Jesus called some fishermen to Himself saying the simple words, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19). From that moment, Jesus started a new movement where those who entrust their lives to Him and begin a new life following Jesus as Savior and Lord experience the love of God we were always made for.
So, what do you have to lose? The Gathering is just the place for you. We want to love you as an image bearer of our God who was wonderfully made for a relationship with Him. Our great aim is to discover the wonder of Jesus' love and learn to follow Him faithfully together.
Our greatest passion at The Gathering is to live for the glory of Jesus Christ and to lead others to know Christ and make Him known in our lost and dying world. We believe the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power that brings life and transformation to broken lives through the conversion wrought by the Holy Spirit (Romans 1:16). We are committed to the truth that God changes lives, and we are not merely optimistic but filled with hope that when the people of God are fully dependent on the Spirit of God, immersed in the Word of God, and committed to following the Son of God, they can impact their world for Christ.